A Girl with a Dream

Title : Girl with a Dream

Once upon a time …!

There was a Girl…

Who had a dream and an unconditional bleam ..

Who’s heart was of gold , who worried for poor souls !

Just as she left to explore the world

She found herself between people ..who stayed in steeple.

Some seemed heartless and some were filled with un-kindness!!!

Their words filled with flames and she was unnecessarily blamed !

She found herself lost and wanted to escape at any cost !

She thought of giving up, thats when a inner-voice spoke up …

Told her not to give up ,instead to Stand-up to her problems!

Hope was only what she had , and prayers was only that she cared .

She kept doing her thing with patience without paying attention to people’s nuisance!

She overcame the painful ordeal and dealt with people with the best personal appeal!

Days passed by so did she learn to Shine..

No one by her side but still her head held high !

A very pleasant smile and a cute little pet lay beside..

A shoulder was all that she wanted but never did she expect!

Just as we say right things happen at right time

She found herself a Friend who choose to stay by her side

Success finally arrived and all gathered to please her by their smiles

Nothing affected her at all…As all wanted to be her PAL !

She smiled at all those gathered but walked towards her Friend who stood at last

She embraced her Friend with all the grace while looking at others who stood with a sorrowful face !

She felt confused as these were the people who were always mean But her success made them lean

She felt Thankful though she had a TRUE FRIEND not a foe.

All those who were mean suddenly turn tables to please !

In the end she learned a Lesson for Life ..

Good deads , Kind words , Hard work pays off ..

All the sorrows….. ONE DAY sighs off !!

Hope is the only thing you need…When you Lead and When u Kneel..!!

Life isn’t a 100 metre race…neither a never ending race

We shouldn’t worry about the past or present …Plan about the future and work in the present!!!

Dream is the bow and hope is the arrow.. Place prayers in your heart and release the arrow

One day success will knock your door unexpectedly..

Right people …Right things… land at perfect TIME

For Life is a mysterious maze that can be solved only with divine grace!!

-Divya Nagarajan

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